crapola week

This week, is not my lucky week.

Saturday night started with my brother calling me to tell me his car had died. I offered to help him fix it. So on Sunday we set about finding and removing the ignition coil which he was told was the problem. So we managed to get the car guy to order a replacement. In the meantime I drove my brother and his girlfriend round on errands they had been intending to get done before the car died.

Sunday night I came home feeling rather unwell. Headache etc…. I woke up in the middle of the night with a wicked pain coming from my right torso.

Monday and Tuesday night the same thing happened.

So wednesday rolls around and since i’m going to work down in the direction of my doctor i decide that I’ll pop in and find out whats up.

I also decide to get a little more sleep in the morning to make up for the hours of lost sleep. At 8:25 my cellphone goes off and I get up to answer it thinking it might be something like a job interview.

Its my brother. He’s been busing to work, but had got on the right bus that morning, but going in the wrong direction.
So he’s somewhere near the Selwyn shops. So i get up and dressed and go pick him up. He calls work telling them he’s going to be super late.

After a bit of running round mechanics places we find somewhere to fix his car up, figuring that he can go to work after lunch. But the mechanic will take his car after 3pm. So he calls work and says he can’t make it in.

In the meantime I go to work and we get some lunch and such.
3pm rolls around and I tow his car through town to the mechanic.

4pm rolls round and my brother takes me down to the doctors cause i’m feeling rotten again.
Turns out I might have gall stones. mmm surgery. Well I need to get some tests done first but yeah, it seems to be highly likely and I will be in hospital before the end of next month.

So I go home, feeling like shit cause doctors are vampires and I nearly fainted with the amount of blood they took from me.
Last night we went to RDU did the radio show and I was feeling better.
This morning I took the pain meds and started to feel super dizzy.

My brother calls an hour ago asking if i would come get him from work so he could go get the car. I say sure because I’m feeling a bit better.

I go out to the car and notice the passenger door isn’t shut properly. so I close it. I get in the car and sit down behind the wheel… only to realise the light inside the car has been on all night, and the battery is now dead.

My week suggests that perhaps I shouldn’t get out of bed tomorrow at all.

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